I X U U S Energy Hub is an intelligent energy storage system. It takes care of all the electricity in your property and supply the house with solar energy even during the dark hours of the day. That means that you even can continue using solar energy during power outages, which was previously impossible before.
Infinity Power

I X U U S Energy Hub is a complete unit to your solar panels with inverter and energy storage in one, which also means a nice design and a very easy installation.

Ixuus 6aad

Sky Sun House How it works The sun is powering the house and charges the batteries
inside I X U U S Energy Hub during the daytime
During evenings and nights
I X U U S Energy Hub is powering the house
With IXUUS Energy Hub you´re moving your solar energy to later on when you really use it -during the evenings and nights.

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Use cheap electricity when the electricity is expensive with the help of solar panels with I X U U S Energy Hub. You`re storing solar energy in the I X U U S Energy Hub during the day and use that energy during the dark hours of the day. It reduces your dependence of the electricity supplier and also lowers your electricity costs. It´s a freedom to use solar energy at all hours of the day instead of keeping track of the electricity companies’ hourly tariffs. You can also sell the excess energy to your electricity company and get money for the energy that you do not need to store.

Use cheap electricity when electricity is expensive with the help of solar panels with I X U U S Energy Hub. You store solar energy in the I X U U S Energy Hub during the day and use that energy during the dark hours of the day. It reduces your dependence of the electricity supplier and also lowers your electricity costs. It´s a freedom to use solar energy at all hours of the day instead of keeping track of the electricity companies’ hourly tariffs. You can sell the excess energy to your electricity company and get money for the energy that you do not need to store.

I X U U S Energy Hub is available in 2 different colors, black and white, which means that it does not have to be hidden in a dark room / garage.

See your electricity consumption and how much solar electricity the I X U U S Energy Hub provides. 

 I X U U S Energy Hub is available in both 1 phase and 3 phase in different sizes 6kW, 8kW, 10kW, 12kW and 15kW and with energy storage between 10-80 kWh.

I X U U S Energy Hub has the safest battery on the market and cannot catch fire. Therefore a separate fire cell is not required where it will be. We use lithium iron phosphate batteries, also known as LFP batteries. They doesn´t contain toxic heavy metals such cobalt, nickel or cadmium which allows all metals to be recycled to 100%, the electrode materials and polymers up to 90% and more. I X U U S Energy Hub also has a built-in Battery Management System ( BMS ). All batteries are CE marked and built according to all safety regulations. Therefore you will always feel safe and secure when you´re installing an

I X U U S Energy Hub.


 I X U U S Energy Hub measures 160 x 70 x 22 cm and has a durable casing in 1.4 mm sheet metal.


The Battery

I X U U S Energy Hub uses the most advanced and latest lithium batteries with  LiFePo cells. The cells have a very long lifetime and the most advanced supervisor and control technical circuits for the best and most safest function of the battery.

It`s probably the most safest battery on the market.

The Intelligent Hub

I X U U S  Energy Hub is an Intelligent Energy Hub with a lot of extra smart functions.  It can control your central heating, air conditioner, warm water heater, pool heater, jacuzzi and also your EV-car etc.  It can also charge your batteries from the grid when the price are extremely low.

The Environmental

I X U U S Energy Hub is environmental friendly. You`ll produce your own energy and are independent of utility sources. Your solar panels produce renewable energy and you`ll store all the energy in the eco batteries with no cobalt and no nickel. Probably the most environmenta battys you can get.

The Independent

I X U U S Energy Hub will give you independent from your utility and you can sleep through the night without worrying over your electricity bills. I X U U S  will also give you an UPS (uninterruptible power supply), you`ll have energy even if it´s a power outage. I X U U S is the  freedom to be independent.

The Power

I X U U S Energy Hub is scalable for your demands. It´ll power supply your house from 6kW to 12 kW and with energy storage up to 80 kWh. Of course you can add more power modules and more battery modules afterwards if your demand increase later on.

I X U U S Energy Hub will suits all your needs.

The Money

I X U U S  Energy Hub will save you money. The investment has a payback time of app. 4-8 years, and the design lifetime of the system is +20 years. Regarding to zillow.com the value of your property increase of >4% when you`re installing solar and battery system. 



How many solar panels do I need?

It depends of the space of your roof and your normal usage but average is about 8-14 kWh (15-25 panels).

Why shouId I choose batteries?

With batteries you´re moving your solar energy to later on when you really use it – during evenings and nights.

You`re saving ALL the solar energy instead of getting rid of it and you can use it when you really need it.

If you don´t have batteries you have to sell the surplus to the utility and they´ll pay you only 20% of the cost. You`ll sell your energy cheap and you have to buy it back a couple of hours later much more expensive -Not so economic!

How many years is the pay-off time?

 Your I X U U S System is normally paid off within 4-7 years. And it has a design lifetime of +25 years!

Is I X U U S Energy Hub easy to install?

I X U U S Energy Hub is probably the easiest unit in the market to install. Everything is already connected inside the unit and that`s why I X U U S takes a very short time to install. 

Does I X U U S Energy Hub increase the value of my property?

According to recent figures, on average solar panels with I X U U S Energy Hub will increase the value of a normal house by about as much as they cost to install.

Are batteries expensive?

No, the price of lithium battery has decrease with more than 90% the last 10 years. Right now it is very profitable to install batteries. With the Green Technology deduction from the Tax Authorities in Sweden, you can also get a 50% discount.

I X U U S Energy Hub -one complete unit for the energy needs of the future

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Years of experience of Battery and Power solutions:

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Different solutions for different needs

Disclaimer, above figures is only for indication and every single household is need for individual proposal and may differ from above.